Substitute Information

Thank you for your interest in substituting with Woodland Park School District Re-2. Our District "Guest Teachers" are paid $160/day. If you have a desire to teach, we can create a schedule that meets your needs. A "Guest Teacher" is required to hold a valid Colorado Substitute Authorization or Colorado Teaching License. Contact Haley Prater at the Administration Office at (719) 686-2017 or email to obtain the necessary district application materials.

There are opportunities to obtain a Substitute Authorization from the Colorado Department of Education, which allows the holder to be a "Guest Teacher" in our district. A "One-Year" Authorization requires a high school diploma. All other authorizations require a Bachelor's Degree. Please contact Haley Prater at the Administration Office at (719) 686-2017 or email to obtain the application packet for the Substitute Authorization.

Our district also has a great need for substitutes for our support staff as well. These positions are paid at an hourly rate of $15.04. The application packet and fingerprinting may be obtained at the Administration Office. Please contact Haley Prater at (719) 686-2017 or email

We appreciate your interest in Woodland Park Schools!