Inclement Weather Delay and Closure Procedures

I. Inclement Weather Team:

The following individuals will form the team responsible for determining school delays or closures:

  1. Chief Operations Officer

  2. Chief Academics Officer

  3. Chief Communications Officer

II. Weather Monitoring:

  • The team will continuously monitor weather conditions leading up to and during potential inclement weather events.

  • The District Facilities Director and Chief Operations Officer will assess road and sidewalk conditions.

III. Decision-Making Criteria:

The team will consider the following factors when determining whether to delay or cancel school:

  1. Snowfall accumulation and rate

  2. Freezing rain or ice conditions

  3. Windchill and extreme cold temperatures

  4. Visibility and road conditions

  5. Current and forecasted weather conditions

  6. Local emergency declarations

IV. Decision-Making Process:

  • The team will convene as soon as possible when inclement weather is anticipated or occurs.

  • The team will review all relevant information and forecasts.

  • A preliminary decision will be made based on the available information. The Chief Operations Officer will make the final decision and inform the Superintendent. The Superintendent may override the decision.

  • The decision will be made by 5:00 a.m. and communicated promptly. If a 2-hour late start is determined, a final decision about whether or not to close for the day will be made by 6:30 a.m.

  • When possible, the decision to delay or close school will be made by 10:00 p.m. the night before.

V. Communication:

Once a decision to delay or cancel school is made, the communications department enacts the following communication plan:

  1. Automated phone calls, texts, and emails to parents and staff.

  2. Post on the school district website and social media accounts.

  3. Notification to FlashAlert and media stations

VI. Staff Reporting:

  • Staff members will follow the delay or closure notification and report to work accordingly. Doing so helps the facilities team remove snow-covered parking lots without staff vehicles blocking their efforts.

  • Essential staff, such as maintenance and custodial personnel, should report as directed.

  • Employees who cannot report due to safety concerns or travel restrictions will notify their supervisors as soon as possible.

VII. Student Information:

  • Parents should notify their child's school if their student cannot attend school due to safety concerns or travel restrictions—these absences will be exempt.

  • There is no A.M. preschool or A.M. breakfast when a delay or closure is issued.

  • Before and after-school activities and extracurricular activities may be impacted by the delay, and parents will be informed accordingly.

VIII. Review and Evaluation:

After each weather-related delay or closure, the team will conduct a review to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure and make any necessary improvements.

This procedure will be updated as needed to reflect changes in personnel, technology, or community needs. The safety of our students and staff will always be the top priority when making inclement weather-related decisions.

More Information

Communication Matrix:

The communication matrix is activated when a decision is reached and is routinely updated by the district's operations department. The document contains contact information for neighboring school districts and business partners we use to inform during such situations.

Dressing for Cold Weather Infographic:

Updated 11.02.23