Advanced Learning Plans

Our districts have an obligation for the implementation of individual advanced learning plans (ALPs) of gifted students, K-12. In meeting the provisions for ALPs, each district maintains a platform/format that houses a gifted student’s Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) and the development of information contained within the plan pursuant to the Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA) Rules for ALP Content, Procedures and Responsibilities.

  • AUs shall have a process for management of ALPs within the cumulative file system including a procedure for transferring ALPs between grade levels, school levels, and districts [12.02(2)(g)(iv)].
  • Individually identifiable records of students referred, assessed, evaluated, and/or served through programming for gifted and talented students in any AU shall be held to be confidential and protected in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Student records that are collected and/or stored electronically shall be held to current state law and FERPA regulations governing the protection of personally identifiable information and the privacy interests of students [12.05(4)].
  • The student’s learning profile described in the body of evidence shall be subject to the AU’s student records confidentiality guidelines [12.02(2)(f)].