Welcome to Woodland Park School District's Registration Hub!

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We understand that navigating the educational landscape can be overwhelming, especially when determining which school best fits your child's needs.

This page is your comprehensive guide, offering information on enrollment timelines, school zones, and other essential details.

If you are unsure about the registration process or have questions about which school is the right fit for your child(ren), scroll down or select a specific topic for detailed information. We've compiled information to guide you through every step. Should you still require assistance, please feel free to contact us at registration@wpsdk12.org.

Important Information

The 2024-2025 school year is still in session. Registration for the current school year is open through May 2025.

Registration for the upcoming school year, 2025-2026, will open mid February. Classes begin in August 2025.

Champions before and after school care will continue to be available at both Columbine and Summit Elementary Schools for grades K-6th.

Home school registration for each new school year opens on June 1st.

Registration Application Windows

For the 2025-2026 school year

While registration is open throughout the school year, it's important to register your children during these windows so that we have an accurate count of students at each grade level to support with staffing decisions. If you aren't sure which school would be the best fit for your child, contact each school to request a school tour.

Zoned School Window:

  • Dates: February 18 - March 14

  • This window is for students enrolling in the school they are zoned for. 

  • Check your school zone here by entering your address (best viewed on a computer or via the Google Earth app).

Open Enrollment (Elementary Schools Outside of Zone):

  • Dates: March 10 - March 21

  • This window is for PK-6th grade students who wish to enroll at the elementary school they are not zoned for, but do reside in WPSD boundaries.

  • Approval is based on the number of seats available at the requested grade level.

  • Priority is given to students currently attending the requested school.

Out of District Choice Window:

  • Dates: April 1 - May 15

  • This window is for students at any grade level who live outside of the WPSD boundaries but would like the opportunity to enroll in a WPSD school.

  • You must submit a Choice Application for your student to have the opportunity to attend a WPSD school again each year. Click here to fill out the choice application. (Open April 1, 2025)

  • Preliminary approval is based on the number of seats available at the requested grade level.

  • Final determination is based on a thorough review of the educational records.

  • If your child is approved to return, you will be notified to complete the online registration application through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

Image of a calendar, clock, pencil, and notepad.

Elementary School Zone Boundaries

These boundaries are tailored to two elementary schools – Columbine and Summit – covering Pre-K through 6th grade. If you're a WPSD resident registering a 7th-12th-grade student, choose between Woodland Park Middle School and Woodland Park High School (Secondary Campus).

Elementary Zone Boundary Map

Please check your address using Google Earth to see which school zone you reside in. Simply type your address into the search bar at the top left. You can do this on a computer or download the Google Earth app to access it on your phone or tablet.

Those residing in the Westcreek neighborhood of Douglas County are automatically considered WPSD residents based on location. There is no need to request choice enrollment! However, if you find yourself outside the yellow boundary lines, requesting choice enrollment becomes necessary if you wish for your student to potentially attend a Woodland Park School District school. For any questions or clarifications, feel free to reach out to us at registration@wpsdk12.org.

Choice Application

We Choose WPSD!

For families residing outside Woodland Park School District's boundaries, our Choice Enrollment application is the pathway to potential attendance in our district.

The application process begins by expressing your interest, and preliminary acceptance hinges on available space within the requested grade level.

After a thorough review of student records, final acceptance ensures the best fit for your child. If you're requesting choice enrollment for multiple students, list all their names on the form. To embark on this enrollment journey, click the link below to access the Choice Enrollment application and take the first step toward a quality education within the Woodland Park School District.

2024-2025 (Current School Year) Apply here: WPSD Choice Enrollment Application

2025-2026 (Upcoming School Year) Apply here: *Opens on April 1, 2025

Returning Student Registration

"Returning students" are those that currently attend a WPSD school.

Do you have a new student in your household? You can add them as a new student during the returning student registration process.

Note: While Middle and High School students select their classes at the end of the prior school year, completing the returning student online registration (OLR) is necessary to lock in those classes and be able to participate is sports/activities/clubs.

Do you know for sure that your child will not attend a WPSD school for the 2025-2026 school year? You can fill out a Notification of Intent to Withdrawal now (anticipated last day of attendance would be May 22nd) and we will end your child’s enrollment with WPSD on the last day of school. Click here to fill out the withdrawal form. If you are unsure, register your child now and you can fill out the withdrawal form later if needed.

Click here to access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal online (or download the app):

Registration Instructions

  1. Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.

    • You can click here to access the website or navigate to your cell phone’s app store to download the free Campus Parent app.

    • If you are unable to log into your Parent Portal account, please click here to request an account or have your password reset.

  2. On the bottom right side of the screen, click the “Online Registration” button.

    • You can also get there by selecting the menu in the top left corner of the screen, scroll to the bottom and select “More”, then click “Online Registration”.

  3. See the existing student registration named 2026 WPSD Student Registration and click the “Start” button.

  4. Click the “Begin Registration” button.

  5. Review, verify, and/or update each section.

    • In the first section, you can update the primary household phone number and select the messenger/communication preferences.

    • If you have a new physical address, select “No” from the dropdown menu that asks if the address is still current and enter the date that you moved, along with the new physical address.

    • If a guardian who was in the household has moved out, select “No” from the dropdown menu that asks if the person still lives at the household address.

    • If a legal parent/guardian has a different address, please include that information so they receive the same school communication about the student.

  6. If you have a new student to add, click the “Add New Student” button at the bottom of the “Student” section.

  7. When you’ve completed the online registration application, click the “Submit” button.

How to register your current WPSD student - click image to enlarge

New Student Registration

"New students" are those that are currently attending a charter, private, other public school outside of WPSD, homeschool, or are new to the educational system.

Note: If you have a child currently attending a WPSD school, you can add a new child in your household to the returning registration (info above).

Welcome to Woodland Park School District!

We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to our new families considering enrollment in Woodland Park School District (WPSD). As you embark on this exciting educational journey, we encourage you to explore our vibrant community and discover the excellence that defines WPSD.

Elementary Showcase Nights:
As an introduction to our elementary schools, we invite you to attend our Showcase Nights:

  • Summit Elementary: January 30, 2025 from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

  • Columbine Elementary: January 30, 2025 from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

WPMS and WPHS (Secondary Campus) Showcase Night:

  • January 29, 2025 from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the unique offerings of each school. Additionally, we extend an open invitation for families to tour any of our school buildings. Thank you for considering Woodland Park School District – we look forward to welcoming you and your family into our community!

Click here to register:

Image with Panther logo and cups spelling out welcome.

Bus Information

Thank you for choosing Woodland Park School District to partner with you for your student's education.

Recently the WPSD has experienced a cost increase in transportation services. It has become necessary for the district to increase bus service fees for the 2024/2025 school year.

The new Bus Fee structure per household is as follows:

  • $75 total for a single student in a household

  • $125 total for two students in a household

  • $150 total for three or more students in a household

If you haven't already and would like to register your student for bus services, please fill out the bus application and email it to Patty Harrison at pharrison@wpsdk12.org

Update: If your child is registered to ride the bus, but then you decide to not utilize the bus service, please email pharrison@wpsdk12.org. If notice is not received prior to the first day of school, the fee will be prorated based on the notification date and you will be responsible for paying that amount.

Infinite Campus Parent Portal Assistance

Image with post its that says, "need help?"

Should you encounter any challenges with your Parent Portal during the registration process, we are here to assist you. Click here to access the Parent Portal Assistance form. Complete the form to request help accessing your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Please note that during summer and holidays, response times may extend up to 2 weeks.

If you haven't received a response within this timeframe, we kindly ask you to check your Junk Mail or Spam Folder. Your seamless registration experience is our priority, and our team is dedicated to providing timely assistance.

Household and Contact Updates

Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.

  • To update your address, click MENU > MORE > ADDRESS INFORMATION > UPDATE.

  • To update your household phone number (usually the parent's number who filled out the OLR), click MENU > MORE > ADDRESS INFORMATION > UPDATE.

  • To update your cell, home, work or other numbers for the household family,  click MENU > MORE > FAMILY INFORMATION > UPDATE .

  • To update/add/remove non-household contacts or emergency contacts,  click MENU > MORE > DEMOGRAPHICS > UPDATE or ADD.

  • To remove a household member from the household, email the district registrar: registration@wpsdk12.org

  • To update your contact preferences, click on the account (person figure in the top right), then select SETTINGS > CONTACT PREFERENCES and select the checkboxes for which communications you’d like via voice, text, and/or email.

Important: Checkboxes for “general” should be selected in order to receive communication about closures and delays. Only emergency situations, such as lockdowns, would be considered emergency communications.