Distant images of the school grounds

Our Unique Environment

What Makes Columbine Unique:

  • inclusion for all, where every child’s voice is valued and cultivated within the learning community, and all students are held to high expectations
  • curriculum that is focused on authentic learning and includes quality literature, nature, fine and performing arts, health of mind and body, and intentional interaction with Masters in the community
  • intrinsic motivation and relational learning
  • independent thinking and problem solving
  • the intentional process of character development through a direct education of personal and social responsibilities toward the goal of growing honorable citizens that will positively impact the community and the world
  • life-long passion for learning that is modeled and supported across the community by families, staff, students, community Masters, guests, and everyone who is passionately concerned with the present and future of our humanity
  • shared wisdom and life experiences of the generations that came before us